Downland Management |
Borough Council owns 4000 acres of downland
('The Eastbourne Downland'), 1,200 of
which is 'Open Downland' - free, open
access land for the public to enjoy -
with the remainder used for farming with
public access on rights of way only. The
Council manages this land in accordance
with its own Downland Management Plan
and within the guidelines of several other
agencies. |

Council's responsibility regarding the
Open Downland is to ensure that the public
has access to the land and information
about it at the same time as protecting
the natural environment. The Council's
responsibility towards its three tenant
farms - Black Robin Farm, Chalk Farm and
Bullock Down Farm - is to fulfil its obligations
as landlord, such as collecting rent and
carrying out repairs.
practical management of the land is
carried out by the Council's Downland
Ranger Service and by various contractors
who are supervised by the Ranger Service.
The Council also has an Arboriculturist
Officer to supervise the management
of the 250 acres of deciduous woodland
mostly on the Eastbourne Downland eastern
management of the Eastbourne Downland
takes place in consultation with several
other agencies. These are:
- The Countryside
- responsible for conserving and enhancing
the natural beauty and amenity of
the countryside in England and promoting
its enjoyment by the public. The Countryside
Agency designates National Parks,
Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
(AONB's) and Heritage Coasts. The
South Downs are designated an AONB
and the Eastbourne Downland south
of the A259 is Heritage Coast. This
land is therefore managed in accordance
with the Countryside Agency's conservation
- English Nature
- responsible for sustaining and enriching
the wildlife and natural features
of England. English Nature designates
National Nature Reserves and Sites
of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI's).
There are several SSSI's on the Eastbourne
Downland which are managed in consultation
with English Nature.
- The Sussex Downs
Conservation Board - consists
of representatives from all the authorities
in Sussex involved with the management
of the South Downs. Members meet to
consult with each other on a number
of shared issues and concerns, such
as planning applications for the downland
and long term management plans.
- Ministry for Agriculture Fisheries
& Food
- central government ministry responsible
for farming policy and also for the
designation of Environmentally Sensitive
Areas (ESA's). The South Downs are
designated an ESA. Under the ESA Scheme
the farmers and landowners within
an ESA can apply for grants from MAFF
in return for adopting measures to
protect the area.
- Department for
Environment, Transport & the Regions
- central government department with
overall responsibility for environmental
issues and policy.
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