The Carpet Gardens provide one of the most enduring
and striking images of Eastbourne. These world famous Gardens
have been established as the centrepiece of Eastbourne's seafront
gardens since Victorian times and are renowned for their carpet
bedding and floral sculptures.
The Carpet Gardens are designed by Eastbourne Borough
Coucil's Parks & Gardens Division. Every year there
are two distinct designs of carpet bedding, Spring and Summer,
as well as a new floral sculpture.
The Carpet Gardens
are located next to the Pier and Eastbourne's extensive
seafront gardens extend either side of them, containing
hundreds of different plants from colourful rock garden
plants to exotic tropical New Zealand species. The seafront
gardens are maintained a team of 10 experts from the Council's
contractors, Brophy.
Lush, colourful
sub-tropical plantations can be found around the seafront
lawns at the Wish Tower Slopes. Enjoy the sheltered garden,
within the Wish Tower moat, which has been filled with aromatic
foliage and scented flowers including a traditional rose
Closer to the
beach, rock gardens are re-stocked with around 12,000 plants
every year. |